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Protecting our borders and ports is becoming more imperative each day.  Our once peaceful bays and harbors used for recreation and trade are now open gateways for terrorists.  The remote borders once just homes for wildlife and naturalist are now highways for drugs, illegal immigrants and terrorists.  

Fourwinds Enterprises in conjunction with IP Video has developed a complete Physical Security System that incorporates multiples sensors and various tracking devices and brings them into one common operational picture.  A hierarchical viewing configuration allows custom configurations based on a need to know.

Interagency cooperation is often challenging due to the inabilitiy to share information and communicate on different frequencies.  Through secure web portals all informational sources can be shared.  Our unique Command Console allows communication with up to 8 different radios.  You can monitor any combination of radios as well as broadcast.

We support a full spectrum of cameras.  Fixed, Pan-Tilt-Zoom, Day-Night and IR cameras are incorporated into the each system as needed to fulfill operational requirements.  In conjunction with these cameras we also support surface search radar and doppler based radar to enhance the operational picture at the command console.

All sensors can be tied to grid power or designed to be powered by battery, solar, wind and fuel cells.  Any of these power sources can be combined to meet the most demanding requirements.  All components are designed to be either fixed or portable.