Video Analytics - A Force Multipier
Video Analytics continue to grow and enhancements are
making them an invaluable part of intrusion detection. The basic analytic feature is detecting motion in the viewing
area. When motion is detected, various types of alarms can be triggered to alert operators. This valuable feature
alone allows one person to monitor more cameras.
The next enhancement was to determine, not only motion,
but if the moving object lingers. By putting in a time level you can be alerted if a person or vehicle stays too
long in a sensitive area. Gates, terminals, and controlled entrance ways can be easily monitored for loitering.
Detecting objects being taken or left behind is a recent addition to the field of analytics. Once the camera learns
its viewable field it is able to tell if something is removed or left behind.
The most recent advancement
is of particular interest to us for our Common Operating Picture (COP). The latest device not only alerts
you to any of the above situations, but can also provide the latitude and longitude of the activity of interest.
This means we can bring that alert location right to the COP for the immediate notification to the situational commander.